"You must test the teachings to find out if they are true and valid for you. When you hear a teaching or message, you should always test it out." John-Roger, DSS

Basic Tenets


Still wondering “What is MSIA?”

MSIA is legally incorporated as a church, and its focus is Soul Transcendence. MSIA students work with the Mystical Traveler, a spiritual consciousness that exists throughout all levels of God’s creation. It resides within each one of us and is a guide into the higher levels of Spirit, the greater reality of God. The Traveler can assist a person in clearing karma (balancing past actions), and its work is done inwardly, on the spiritual levels.

MSIA has no formal membership, dues, rules, or regulations. The real “movement of spiritual inner awareness” takes place within each person. The organization exists only to support people in expanding their awareness of the Soul and God.


Learn About the 7 Keys of Soul Transcendence