We have co-creatorship, so we are allowed to do something like opposition or contradiction to the loving. But if you really look in higher consciousness, allowing yourself the altitude of your wisdom and intelligence, you would see that it is loving that everything comes from. If we can see that or talk about it in this moment, then we are given the pleasure of that view.-John Morton, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

The Mystical Traveler doesn't promise you anything in this world. It would be foolish to do that because this world is going to decay and fall apart; it's not designed to last. Spirit is designed to last. It's everlasting, eternal, and forever new right now. So we move to the spiritual qualities and make those our reference points for reality.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

It always takes courage to love with no conditions attached. Accept the fact that your love has brought you this far, and now you can take this place and expand it. Or you can take this day and build an altar to it and cement it, light the incense and make this the crowning achievement for your existence. You will probably choose to take the risks and expand from where you are.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

If you cannot share your spiritual heart because someone owes you $100, forget the debt. It is not worth it. If you cannot share your spiritual heart because of something someone said, apologize to yourself in their name.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

If you want someone to learn a new response, you don't give them a book to read or lecture to them and have them listen to you. You engage them in the process of revelation, and in the action of getting involved it will transform the attitude underneath and lead them to new insights and awarenesses.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

Source: New Day Herald

At some level, you are asking for the power of love that is God. The fullness of what that is has already been given to you. How would you know it? We all would know it because we have faith and trust in what it is, no matter what the circumstances are.-John Morton, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

It's nice to know there's a Kingdom of Heaven, but if you have to die to find it and know it as your home, it's too late. You may miss and go in the wrong door! Our goal in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is to discover that Kingdom both within and outside of ourselves and to know it as our home while we are still living here in the physical body.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald

I "left home" long ago and have wandered the lands of the emotions, mind, imagination, and materiality for a long time. The lands of Spirit, Soul, and God - my true home - became dim and nearly forgotten. I cannot tell you exactly what caused me, in this lifetime, to hear the call of my Father, "When are you coming home?" I only know that I did.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: When Are You Coming Home?

You can't see the Soul's existence because it is wrapped up in you. Your Soul is what keeps you alive, not your mind. The mind, as strong as it seems, is not always to be trusted. The Soul is solid ground. On the level of Soul, you don't grab. You can't possess, and you can't hold on to anything. Whatever you try to possess, you lose. You can't even possess your own body.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: What's It Like Being You?

The greatest secret is that the journey is already over before it has begun. You are already there. That one for whom you seek is already present. Why is this a secret? Because so few claim it. Do you? With your next breath?-John-Roger, DSS
Source: Passage Into Spirit

You can tell when your loyalties are becoming misplaced because you will find yourself getting caught up in your emotions. When you get upset over what someone else does or says to you and you feel as if your toes have been stomped on, reel your emotions back in. When you are caught up in the storm of your own emotional hurt and despair, that is your misplaced loyalty backfiring on you.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise

You've got to stand back, open your perspective of your vision and see what's really going on.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

We have all of what is necessary for the Soul to fulfill itself so that the negativity and the experience of the worlds of illusion eventually complete and return back to the nothingness from which they came.-John Morton, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

Who do you think God is? Your little point of view over here? That God is too small and will not free you, enliven you or expand you. When you create space inside yourself that's large enough for everyone's point-of-view and everyone's God, you will expand and open your own heart.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

Most of the problems we have right now inside of us have stemmed from basically judging.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

I do the work I do because I know that at one time your heart was open and loving. And if it was that way before, it can be that way again. Why return to the unpleasant and unsuccessful memories? The same mechanism that gets you back to those times can also get you back to the memory of success and accomplishment.-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

If you sincerely ask God to assist you in seeing the love in each situation, you may find that your perceptions and approaches gradually change and that you are living in love more of the time. Ultimately, isn't that what you really want to do?-John-Roger, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

Consider that we are going to go into the heart of God, Soul Transcendence, and having that connection this lifetime. It's now because we are in this lifetime. There is a question from this Traveler, "Are you ready for the power of love that is the heart of God? Will you go into that with your consciousness and openness with whatever that would bring forward for you?"-John Morton, DSS
Source: New Day Herald website

Source: Forgiveness, The Key to the Kingdom